The law requires no specific form of jury instruction warning against the danger of convicting on evidence that had been tracked down by police dogs, according to B.C.’s appellate court.
Ontario court holds smell of alcohol in vehicle gives rise to reasonable suspicion for breath demand
This post discusses a recent decision of the Ontario Superior Court in which the court authorized a doctor-assisted death for an applicant suffering from incurable cancer.
Supreme Court of Canada rules provision of Truth in Sentencing Act violates principles of proportionality in sentencing
B.C. Court of Appeal finds accused had reasonable expectation of privacy in social media messages
R. v. Voong | 2015 BCCA 285 | British Columbia Court of Appeal
Ontario court finds strip search of accused lawful
R. v. Nero 2016 CarswellOnt 2699 Ontario Court of Appeal
R. v. Rogers Communications Partnership | 2016 CarswellOnt 442 | Ontario Superior Court of Justice
The Supreme Court of Canada held that the ‘disturbed mind’ element underlying infanticide must be a disturbance caused by the mother’s not having fully recovered from giving birth or from lactating.
We are excited to announce that last week, westlaw Canada received the Hugh Lawford Award for Excellence in Legal Publishing.
British Columbia Court of Appeal holds application of Gladue principles do not mean Aboriginal offenders receive reduced sentence in every case R.