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Research Tip – Expertly Drafted Legal Memoranda – Sample a legal memo

Expertly Drafted Legal Memoranda 

Request a sample legal memo

westlaw Canada is home to over 4,700 + expertly drafted legal memorandum. Our team has retained expert practitioners and commercial researchers to help you with your legal research and save you valuable time.

Our legal memo collection provides currency, authority and content for 55 different practice areas. 

  • Every legal memo has a summary page (available for review without charge) provides a complete list of the cases, legislation and commentary referenced in the legal memo, as well as the issue and facts the legal memo addresses.
  • Every legal memo summary page (and every legal memo) shows the date of creation and its most recent update.
  • KeyCite Canada flags are attached to case – links on every legal memo summary page (and every legal memo) indicate when cases may no longer represent good law.
  • Each legal memo is reviewed for currency within three years of its most recent update.
  • For transparency, each legal memo clearly identifies the author who created it.

To discover our collection request a sample legal memo today. Select your practice area and then browse by subject, topic and issue.

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