The Emerging Legal Technology Forum | Vancouver

The Emerging Legal Technology Forum | Vancouver

The Emerging Legal Technology Forum | Vancouver

The Vancouver Emerging Legal Technology Forum held Tuesday, October 24th brought together local industry change leaders and practitioners for a morning session on innovations in legal technology, and how they are changing the profession.

Panelists included; Tom Martin, LawDroid; Joshua Lennon, Clio; Shannon Salter, Chari of Civil Resolution Tribunal; and Adam LaFrance of Knomos. The panelists discussed the importance of finding a balance between effectiveness and efficiency, without degrading the standards of excellence expected of the legal profession. Adopting new technology and service delivery models takes investment, time and expertise. Although change is hard, it was clear from the session that law firms need to adapt to changing technology, while maintaining high standards of excellence for clients.

Learn more about how efficiency can help increase your firm's profitability in the white paper "Law Firm Profitability Insights: Profitability from Efficiency."

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